Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Labran Acta De Infracción Y Decomisan Surubíes Y Sábalos A Un Vecino De Reconquista

En prevención de delitos y/o contravenciones, como así también al estricto cumplimiento del Aislamiento Social Preventivo y Obligatorio Personal de la Guardia Rural "Los Pumas", realizo el siguientes procedimientos:

Personal de la Sección 26 de la Guardía Rural Los Puma con asiento en Reconquista, efectuando patrullaje preventivo en Ruta Nacional A-009 km 6, confecciono Acta por infracción a la ley Provincial Nº 12.212 (Ley de Pesca) a Héctor Aníbal Vallejos de 66 años, domiciliado en Reconquista quien circulaba en un vehículo marca PEUGEOT trasportando Surubíes y Sábalos.

Se procedió al decomiso y desnaturalización de las especies, por incumplimiento de los requisitos de documentación de tenencia y transporte de pescado, carecer de licencia habilitante para la actividad desarrollada. Interviene Secretaria de Agricultura, Ganadería y Recursos Naturales.-

Envía tu noticia al WhatsApp 15-685798 – Súmate a la FanPage: ReconquistaNoticias.com

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16 Useful Websites for Hackers

  • Hakin9: E-magazine offering in-depth looks at both attack and defense techniques and concentrates on difficult technical issues.
  • DEFCON: Information about the largest annual hacker convention in the US, including past speeches, video, archives, and updates on the next upcoming show as well as links and other details.
  • NFOHump: Offers up-to-date .NFO files and reviews on the latest pirate software releases.
  • Hacked Gadgets: A resource for DIY project documentation as well as general gadget and technology news.
  • HackRead: HackRead is a News Platform that centers on InfoSec, Cyber Crime, Privacy, Surveillance, and Hacking News with full-scale reviews on Social Media Platforms.
  • Phrack Magazine: Digital hacking magazine.
  • Black Hat: The Black Hat Briefings have become the biggest and the most important security conference series in the world by sticking to our core value: serving the information security community by delivering timely, actionable security information in a friendly, vendor-neutral environment.
  • Hack Forums: Emphasis on white hat, with categories for hacking, coding and computer security.
  • The Hacker News: The Hacker News — most trusted and widely-acknowledged online cyber security news magazine with in-depth technical coverage for cybersecurity.
  • Packet Storm: Information Security Services, News, Files, Tools, Exploits, Advisories and Whitepapers.
  • Exploit DB: An archive of exploits and vulnerable software by Offensive Security. The site collects exploits from submissions and mailing lists and concentrates them in a single database.
  • SecurityFocus: Provides security information to all members of the security community, from end users, security hobbyists and network administrators to security consultants, IT Managers, CIOs and CSOs.
  • Metasploit: Find security issues, verify vulnerability mitigations & manage security assessments with Metasploit. Get the worlds best penetration testing software now.
  • Offensive Security Training: Developers of Kali Linux and Exploit DB, and the creators of the Metasploit Unleashed and Penetration Testing with Kali Linux course.
  • KitPloit: Leading source of Security Tools, Hacking Tools, CyberSecurity and Network Security.
  • SecTools.Org: List of 75 security tools based on a 2003 vote by hackers.
Read More :- "16 Useful Websites for Hackers"

Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Linux/AirDropBot Samples



      Other malware



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How To Pass Your Online Accounts After Death – 3 Methods

The topic of DEATH is not one that most people care to talk about, but the truth is that we are all going to die at some point and everything that we did online is going to end up in limbo if we don't make sure that someone we trust is going to be able to gain access to this information. This is going to be extremely important in order to close it down, or have your loved one do whatever you want them to do with your information. There are many things to take into consideration for this kind of situation. If you are like the average modern person, you probably have at least one email account, a couple of social media accounts in places like Facebook and Twitter. Perhaps you also have a website that you run or a blog. These are all very common things that people will usually do at some point and if you have anything that you consider valuable, you should have a way to leave it in the hands of someone you trust when you pass away.

Pass Accounts and Passwords After Death
Pass Accounts and Passwords After Death

Maybe you have an online platform that has a lot of content that you find useful and important. Perhaps you have even been able to turn some of that content into monetizable material and you don't want this to end when you pass away. This is more than enough of a reason to make sure that your information can be given to someone when you are no longer around.
There have been many cases when all the information has ended up being impossible to recover when a person has died, at least not without the need for the family members to do all kinds of things in order to prove a person is deceased. So here are some ways, you can passyour online accounts/data after death:

1) Making a Safe 'WILL' (or Locker) containing master password.

  1. Make an inventory of all your online accounts and list them on a piece of paper one by one and give it to your loved one. For eg:– Your primary email address
    – Your Facebook ID/email
    – The Bank account or Internet banking ID
    – etc. To clarify, it will be only a list of the accounts you want your loved one to be able to access after you're dead. Just the list of accounts, nothing else (no passwords).
  2. Set up a brand new e-mail address (Possibly Gmail account). Lets say youraccountsinfo@gmail.com
  3. Now from your usual email account, Send an e-mail to youraccountsinfo@gmail.com, with the following content:– dd349r4yt9dfj
    – sd456pu3t9p4
    – s2398sds4938523540
    – djfsf4p These are, of course, the passwords and account numbers that you want your loved one to have once you're dead.
  4. Tell your loved one that you did these things, and while you're at it, send him/her an e-mail from youraccountsinfo@gmail.com, so he/she will have the address handy in some special folder in his/her inbox.
  5. Put the password for youraccountsinfo@gmail.com in your will or write it down on paper and keep it safe in your bank locker. Don't include the e-mail address as well, just put something like "The password is: loveyourhoney432d".
And its done! Your loved one will only have the password once you're dead, and the info is also secure, since it's split in two places that cannot be easily connected, so if the e-mail address happens to be hacked, the perpetrator won't be able to use it to steal anything that you're going to leave for your loved one.

2) Preparing a Future email (SWITCH) containing login information

This method is very similar to the first one except in this case we will not be using a WILL or Locker. Instead we will be using a Service called "Dead Mans Switch" that creates a switch (Future email) and sends it to your recipients after a particular time interval. Here is how it works.
  1. Create a list of accounts as discussed in the first method and give it to your loved one.
  2. Register on "Dead mans switch" and create a switch containing all the corresponding passwords and enter the recipients email (Your loved one).
  3. Your switch will email you every so often, asking you to show that you are fine by clicking a link. If something happens to you, your switch would then send the email you wrote to the recipient you specified. Sort of an "electronic will", one could say.

3) Using password managers that have emergency access feature

Password managers like LastPass and Dashlane have a feature called as "emergency access".  It functions as a dead man's switch. You just have to add your loved one to your password manager, with emergency access rights. he/She does not see any of your information, nor can he/she log into your accounts normally.
But if the worst happens, your loved one can invoke the emergency access option. Next your password manager sends an email to you and starts a timer. If, after a certain amount of time interval, you have not refused the request, then your loved one gets full access to your password manager.
You can always decide what they can potentially gain access to, and you set the time delay.

Why should i bother about passing my digital legacy?

Of all the major online platforms, only Google and Facebook have provisions for Inactiveaccounts (in case of death). Google lets you plan for the inevitable ahead of time. Using the "Inactive Account Manager", you can designate a beneficiary who will inherit access to any or all of your Google accounts after a specified period of inactivity (the default is 3 months).
Facebook on the other hand will either delete your inactive account or turn it into a memorial page when their family can provide any proof of their death, but there is also a large number of platforms that don't have any specific way for people to be able to verify the death of a loved one in order to gain access to the accounts. In either case, you wouldn't want your family to have to suffer through any hassles and complications after you have passed away.
You should also consider the importance of being able to allow your loved ones to collect all the data you left behind. This means photos and experiences that can be used to show other generations the way that you lived and the kind of things you enjoyed doing.
Those memories are now easier to keep and the best photos can be downloaded for the purpose of printing them for photo albums or frames. Allowing them to have the chance to do this in a practical way is going to be a great gesture and securing any profitable information is going to be essential if you want a business or idea to keep moving forward with the help of those you trust.
This is the reason why you need to be able to pass your online account information after death, but no one wants to give access to this kind of information to their loved ones because it's of a private nature and we would feel uneasy knowing that others can access our private conversations or message.

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Read More :- "How To Pass Your Online Accounts After Death – 3 Methods"

Change Passwords Regularly - A Myth And A Lie, Don'T Be Fooled, Part 1

TL;DR: different passwords have different protection requirements, and different attackers using various attacks can only be prevented through different prevention methods. Password security is not simple. For real advise, checking the second post (in progress).

Are you sick of password advices like "change your password regularly" or "if your password is password change it to pa$$w0rd"? This post is for you!

The news sites are full of password advises nowadays due to recent breaches. When I read/watch these advise (especially on CNN), I am usually pissed off for a lot of reasons. Some advises are terrible (a good collection is here), some are good but without solutions, and others are better, but they don't explain the reasons. Following is my analysis of the problem. It works for me. It might not work for you. Comments are welcome!

Password history

Passwords have been used since ancient times.

Because it is simple. When I started using the Internet, I believe I had three passwords. Windows login, webmail, and IRC. Now I have ~250 accounts/passwords to different things, like to my smartphone, to my cable company (this password can be used to change the channels on the TV), to my online secure cloud storage, to full disk encryption to start my computer, to my nude pictures, to my WiFi router, to my cloud server hosting provider, etc etc etc. My money is protected with passwords, my communication is protected with passwords/encryption, my work is protected with passwords. It is pretty damn important. But yet people tend to choose lame passwords. Pretty lame ones. Because they don't think it can be significant. But what is not essential today will be relevant tomorrow. The service you used to download music (iTunes) with the lame password will one day protect all your Apple devices, where attackers can download your backup files, erase all your devices, etc. The seven-character and one capital rule is not enough anymore. This advice is like PDF is safe to open, Java is secure. Old, outdated, untrue.

Now, after this lengthy prologue, we will deep dive into the analysis of the problem, by checking what we want to protect, against whom (who is the attacker), and only after that, we can analyze the solutions. Travel with me, I promise it will be fun! ;)

What to protect?

There are different services online, and various services need different ways to protect. You don't use the same lock on your Trabant as you do on your BMW.

Internet banking, online money

For me, this is the most vital service to protect. Luckily, most of the internet banking services use two-factor authentication (2FA), but unfortunately, not all of them offer transaction authorization/verification with complete transactions. 2FA is not effective against malware, it just complicates the attack. Transaction authorization/verification is better, but not perfect (see Zitmo). If the access is not protected with 2FA, better choose the best password you have (long, real random, sophisticated, but we will get to this later). If it is protected with 2FA, it is still no reason not to use the best password ;) This is what I call the "very high-level password" class.

Credit card data

This system is pretty fucked up bad. Something has to be secret (your credit card number), but in the meantime that is the only thing to identify your credit card. It is like your username is your password. Pretty bad idea, huh? The problem is even worse with a lot of different transaction types, especially when the hotel asks you to fax both sides of your CC to them. Unfortunately, you can't change the password on your credit card, as there is no such thing, but Verified by VISA or 3-D Secure with 2FA might increase the chances your credit card won't get hacked. And on a side note, I have removed the CVV numbers from my credit/debit cards. I only read it once from the card when I received it, I don't need it anymore to be printed there.
And sometimes, you are your own worst enemy. Don't do stupid things like this:

Work related passwords (e.g. Windows domain)

This is very important, but because the attack methods are a bit different, I created this as a different category. Details later.

Email, social sites (Gmail/Facebook/Twitter), cloud storage, online shopping

This is what I call the "high level password" class.
Still, pretty important passwords. Some people don't understand "why would attackers put any energy to get his Facebook account?" It is simple. For money. They can use your account to spread spam all over your Facebook wall. They can write messages to all of your connections and tell them you are in trouble and send money via Western Union or Bitcoin.

They can use your account in Facebook votes. Your e-mail, cloud storage is again very important. 20 years ago you also had letters you didn't want to print and put in front of the nearest store, neither want you to do that with your private photo album. On a side note, it is best to use a cloud storage where even the cloud provider admin can't access your data. But in this case, with no password recovery option, better think about "alternative" password recovery mechanisms.

Other important stuff with personal data (e.g. your name, home address)

The "medium level password" class. This is a personal preference to have this class or not, but in the long run, I believe it is not a waste of energy to protect these accounts. These sites include your favorite pizza delivery service, your local PC store, etc.

Not important stuff

This is the category other. I usually use one-time disposable e-mail to these services. Used for the registration, get what I want, drop the email account. Because I don't want to spread my e-mail address all over the internet, whenever one of these sites get hacked. But still, I prefer to use different, random passwords on these sites, although this is the "low level password" class.

Attackers and attack methods

After categorizing the different passwords to be protected, let's look at the different attackers and attack methods. They can/will/or actively doing it now:

Attacking the clear text password 

This is the most effective way of getting the password. Bad news is that if there is no other factor of protection, the victim is definitely not on the winning side. The different attack methods are:

  • phishing sites/applications,

  • social engineering,
  • malware running on the computer (or in the browser), 
  • shoulder surfing (check out for smartphones, hidden cameras), 
  • sniffing clear-text passwords when the website is not protected with SSL,
  • SSL MiTM,
  • rogue website administrator/hacker logging clear text passwords,
  • password reuse - if the attacker can get your password in any way, and you reuse it somewhere else, that is a problem,
  • you told your password to someone and he/she will misuse it later,
  • hardware keyloggers,
  • etc.

The key thing here is that no matter how long your passwords are, no matter how complex it is, no matter how often do you change it (except when you do this every minute ... ), if it is stolen, you are screwed. 2FA might save you, or might not.

Attacking the encrypted password 

This is the usual "hack the webserver (via SQL injection), dump the passwords (with SQLMap), post hashes on pastebin, everybody starts the GPU farm to crack the hashes" scenario. This is basically the only scenario where the password policies makes sense. In this case the different level of passwords need different protection levels. In some cases, this attack turns out to be the same as the previous attack, when the passwords are not hashed, or are just encoded.

The current hash cracking speeds for hashes without any iterations (this is unfortunately very common) renders passwords like Q@tCB3nx (8 character, upper-lowercase, digit, special characters) useless, as those can be cracked in hours. Don't believe me? Let's do the math.

Let's say your password is truly random, and randomly choosen from the 26 upper, 26 lower, 10 digit, 33 special characters. (Once I tried special passwords with high ANSI characters inside. It is a terrible idea. Believe me.). There are 6 634 204 312 890 620 different, 8 character passwords from these characters. Assuming a 2 years-old password cracking rig, and MD5 hash cracking with 180 G/s speed, it takes a worst case 10 hours (average 5) to crack the password, including upgrading your bash to the latest, but still vulnerable bash version. Had the password been 10 characters long, it would take 10 years to crack with today hardware. But if the password is not truly random, it can be cracked a lot sooner.

A lot of common hashing algorithms don't use protections against offline brute-force attacks. This includes LM (old Windows hashes), NTLM (modern Windows hashes), MD-5, SHA1-2-512. These hashing algorithms were not developed for password hashing. They don't have salting, iterations, etc. out of the box. In the case of LM, the problem is even worse, as it converts the lowercase characters to uppercase ones, thus radically decreasing the key space. Out of the box, these hashes are made for fast calculation, thus support fast brute-force.

Another attack is when the protected thing is not an online service, but rather an encrypted file or crypto-currency wallet.

Attacking the authentication system online

This is what happened in the recent iCloud hack (besides phishing). Attackers were attacking the authentication system, by either brute-forcing the password, or bypassing the password security by answering the security question. Good passwords can not be brute-forced, as it takes ages. Good security answers have nothing to do with the question in first place. A good security answer is as hard to guess as the password itself. If password recovery requires manual phone calls, I know, it is a bit awkward to say that your first dog name was Xjg.2m`4cJw:V2= , but on the other hand, no one will guess that!

Attacking single sign on

This type of attack is a bit different, as I was not able to put the "pass the hash" attacks anywhere. Pass the hash attack is usually found in Windows domain environments, but others might be affected as well. The key thing is single sign on. If you can login to one system (e.g. your workstation), and access many different network resources (file share, printer, web proxy, e-mail, etc.) without providing any password, then something (a secret) has to be in the memory which can be used to to authenticate to the services. If an attacker can access this secret, he will be able to access all these services. The key thing is (again) it does not matter, how complex your passwords are, how long it is, how often do you change, as someone can easily misuse that secret.


Attacking 2FA

As already stated, 2 factor authentication raises the efforts from an attacker point of view, but does not provide 100% protection. 
  • one time tokens (SecurID, Yubikey) can be relayed in a man-in-the-middle attack
  • smartcard authentication can be relayed with the help of a malware to the attacker machine - or simply circumvented in the browser malware, 
  • text based (SMS) messages can be stolen by malware on the smartphone or rerouted via SS7, 
  • bio-metric protection is constantly bypassed,
  • SSH keys are constantly stolen,
  • but U2F keys are pretty good actually, even though BGP/DNS hijack or similar MiTM can still circumvent that protection,
  • etc. 


Beware that there are tons of other attack methods to access your online account (like XSS/CSRF), but all of these have to be handled on the webserver side. The best you can do is to choose a website where the Bug Bounty program is running 24/7. Otherwise, the website may be full of low hanging, easy-to-hack bugs.

Now that we have covered what we want to protect against what, in the next blog post, you will see how to do that. Stay tuned. I will also explain the title of this blog post.

More info

  1. Pentest Jobs
  2. Pentest Basics
  3. Pentest Open Source
  4. Hacking Site
  5. Hacking Gif
  6. Hacker Software
  7. Hacking Jailbreak
  8. Pentest Practice
  9. Hacking Software
  10. Pentest Environment
  11. Pentest With Kali Linux
  12. Hacking Names
Read More :- "Change Passwords Regularly - A Myth And A Lie, Don'T Be Fooled, Part 1"

Magecart Targets Emergency Services-related Sites Via Insecure S3 Buckets

Hacking groups are continuing to leverage misconfigured AWS S3 data storage buckets to insert malicious code into websites in an attempt to swipe credit card information and carry out malvertising campaigns. In a new report shared with The Hacker News, cybersecurity firm RiskIQ said it identified three compromised websites belonging to Endeavor Business Media last month that are still hosting

via The Hacker News
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Tuesday, 9 June 2020


"snmpcheck is a free open source utility to get information via SNMP protocols. It works fine against Windows, Linux, Cisco, HP-UX, SunOS systems and any devices with SNMP protocol support. It could be useful for penetration testing or systems monitoring. snmpcheck has been tested on GNU/Linux, *BSD, Windows systems and Cygwin. snmpcheck is distributed under GPL license and based on Athena-2k script by jshaw. " read more...

Website: http://www.nothink.org/perl/snmpcheck

More info
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"MANDIANT Memoryze is free memory forensic software that helps incident responders find evil in live memory. Memoryze can acquire and/or analyze memory images, and on live systems can include the paging file in its analysis." read more...

Download: http://fred.mandiant.com/MemoryzeSetup.msi

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Read More :- "Memoryze"

$$$ Bug Bounty $$$

What is Bug Bounty ?

A bug bounty program, also called a vulnerability rewards program (VRP), is a crowdsourcing initiative that rewards individuals for discovering and reporting software bugs. Bug bounty programs are often initiated to supplement internal code audits and penetration tests as part of an organization's vulnerability management strategy.

Many software vendors and websites run bug bounty programs, paying out cash rewards to software security researchers and white hat hackers who report software vulnerabilities that have the potential to be exploited. Bug reports must document enough information for for the organization offering the bounty to be able to reproduce the vulnerability. Typically, payment amounts are commensurate with the size of the organization, the difficulty in hacking the system and how much impact on users a bug might have.

Mozilla paid out a $3,000 flat rate bounty for bugs that fit its criteria, while Facebook has given out as much as $20,000 for a single bug report. Google paid Chrome operating system bug reporters a combined $700,000 in 2012 and Microsoft paid UK researcher James Forshaw $100,000 for an attack vulnerability in Windows 8.1.  In 2016, Apple announced rewards that max out at $200,000 for a flaw in the iOS secure boot firmware components and up to $50,000 for execution of arbitrary code with kernel privileges or unauthorized iCloud access.

While the use of ethical hackers to find bugs can be very effective, such programs can also be controversial. To limit potential risk, some organizations are offering closed bug bounty programs that require an invitation. Apple, for example, has limited bug bounty participation to few dozen researchers.

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